María GoyanesSpanish resources

Do you love Autumn/otoño? Here is some vocabulary to help you describe the characteristics of this season (weather, holidays, foods, etc) Download the Spanish lesson for free! vocab list-autumn-puebloespanol Share this Post

Planning your travel abroad experience

Rebecca Di LuzioLiving/studying abroad

Whether you’ve never left your home country before, or have traveled around the globe, everyone is looking for the formula to a successful travel abroad opportunity. But when we say successful, we don’t just mean a great time…

4 Reasons to Try a Spanish Language Immersion Program

Rebecca Di LuzioLiving/studying abroad

Spanish immersion Salamanca

In an immersion program you speak every day all day in the language you are learning. Soon you start thinking in the language you are learning instead of translating each word in your head before you say it. This is invaluable! This is where the most important learning and retention happens…