Published in: Spanish Language Immersion

Spanish Immersion in Spain with Pueblo Español
“Recently I attended an 8 Day Spanish Immersion program in this tiny village and I learned SO much during my time there. Not only did I speak Spanish more continuously (even if not correctly) and fluidly than ever before in my life (100 % Spanish every hour of every day including meals and entertainment), but I also got to live life in a small Spanish village and experience some Spanish traditions first hand.”

lunch at pueblo espanol students and volunteer

Published in: Independent UK 

How to learn Spanish: Master the language in eight days on a total immersion course
“It’s a Saturday afternoon in the town of Baeza in the south of Spain and I am in a group of 10, divided into teams for a game to guess the necessities for lunar survival. It’s fun – but the important thing is that we are only speaking Spanish, there is no English allowed, even to explain words we don’t understand.”

Published in: Wagoners Abroad 

8 Day Intensive Spanish Course – Did Alan Survive?
“The Pueblo Español program is an intensive Spanish course for adults. There is no classroom instruction. It’s all focused on conversing in Spanish. The program focuses on both the understanding, and my big stumbling block, speaking in Spanish.”

Published in: Ali Adventures

My Experience with a Spanish Immersion Program in Spain
“The Pueblo Español program is designed for anyone who wants to improve their Spanish. It’s not for beginners – you must have a decent level of conversational skills and language knowledge to sign up – and it’s not a grammar class or school setting. I’m not fluent, but I can get by and have somewhat simple conversations in Spanish.”

Published in: Language Magazine

Pueblo Español
“You may need to advance your Spanish for a new job, for your current job, or you may simply be learning so that you can communicate with more people when you travel. Whatever your motive is, this is the most intensive course you will find!”

Published in: International Living

Eight Days Without English: A Deep Dive Into Español – IL
“After living in Spain for a year, I was impatient to ramp up my Spanish language skills. I’d hit a point where I could handle all the basic transactions of life, as long as the replies to my questions were short and simple, but my ambitions in Spain go beyond the basic stuff. “

Published in: Mezzoguild

7 Best Schools And Immersion Programs To Learn Spanish (In Spain)
“This language immersion program is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to live in a charming Spanish village: Baeza in Andalusia, Cason in Segovia, or La Alberca in Salamanca. You’ll stay in a four-star hotel and speak Spanish from the moment you wake up.”

group of students at pueblo espanol

Published in: Spanish Language Immersion

7 of the Best Spanish Courses for Adults in Spain
“Pueblo Español is a completely unique language immersion program that focuses not on classroom learning but on conversational immersion with native Spanish-speaking language partners in an intimate and controlled environment.”