Learn the Spansh salutations to make a good first impression!
In Spain, it is common (and more polite) to use greetings that go beyond just ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ unless you know a person really well and are just saying hello in passing. Spanish people use a variety of salutations, depending on the time of day, to greet each other.
Días, meses, años / Days, months, years – Spanish vocabulary list
With the exception of oficial documents, the date (fecha), will always follow this sequence: day, month, year. If you are going to indicate the date…
Did you know that the Spanish alphabet used to have 29 letters? – Spanish grammar
Did you know that they Spanish alphabet used to have 29 letters? The two letters known as “dígrafos” which have been excluded from the alphabet since 2010 are “ch” as in chicle (chewing gum) and “ll” as in camello (camel)…